Residential Network (ResNet) provides network, printing and high-speed Internet connection services for residents living in University-owned housing. The locations include all of the residence halls (Anacapa, Santa Catalina, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Nicolas, San Miguel, San Rafael, Manzanita), and the apartments (El Dorado, San Joaquin Villages, Santa Ynez, Sierra Madre Villages, West Campus, Storke Apartments, and San Clemente Villages.) 

The following links provide information regarding ResNet's terms of services and support services:

ResNet Acceptable Terms of Use

The use of network services at UCSB is a privilege, and not a right. While on any UCSB network, all UCSB students are expected to adhere to all applicable ResNet, University, local, state, and Federal laws. Residential Network Services reserves the right to terminate your connection at any time if any malicious, belligerent, or inimical activity is suspected. Failure to cooperate with any University official is grounds for immediate connection termination.

Distributing copyrighted materials without the consent of the owner is against federal law. Students found offering such material will have their connection terminated for a minimum of thirty (30) days for their first instance of copyright infringement. Professors will not accept a DMCA-ResNet termination as an excuse for incomplete or tardy schoolwork.

Additionally, UCSB does not tolerate the use of peer-to-peer applications if they interfere with the regular operation of the campus network. UCSB strongly discourages students from running these p2p applications in order to avoid having their Internet connection terminated.

Your connection may not be used for scanning or monitoring network data by any means. This includes scanning other user's computers for available services or exploits. Inappropriate access of computers, networks, use of passwords not obtained through proper procedures, and/or disruptive activity on computer systems are considered a violation of ResNet policy. This includes scanning ports on any computers for any reason or knowingly distributing computer viruses. Prosecution under state and federal laws may also apply.

ResNet is a shared resource. Network use or applications which inhibit or interfere with the use of the network by others are not permitted (e.g. applications which use an unusually high portion of the bandwidth for extended periods of time, thus inhibiting the use of the network by others). Users may be asked to cease any system activity that directly or indirectly causes a problem on the network.

ResNet may not be used to provide UC Santa Barbara computer services or internet access to any computer outside of ResNet. This specifically includes any private Wireless Access Point in a student room, any kind of proxy server, or dial up services. Students found running and/or using any such devices or services will be subject to disciplinary action.

Forgery or other misrepresentation of one's identity via electronic or any other form of communication is a violation of University policy. This includes (but is not limited to) forging of IP addresses or Ethernet hardware addresses to conceal your computer's identity. Prosecution under state and federal laws may also apply.

It is against state law to use state owned resources for personal gain. Thus, a ResNet connection may not be used for any money making activity. This includes web pages with any kind of advertising or fees associated with their use. ResNet network services and wiring may not be modified or extended beyond the area of their intended use of one computer per data jack. This applies to all network hardware, computer lab equipment and in-room data jacks.

Use of ResNet resources is governed by Housing, Dining & Auxiliary Enterprises and UC Santa Barbara Policies and Campus Regulations Applying to Campus Activities, Organization, and Students publication. Non-resident users (i.e., guests) are also expected to abide by these policies and all guidelines mentioned herein when using these resources. Every UCSB student will be held personally responsible for any guest violations of this AUP or any other UC Policy.

In accordance with University guidelines and/or court orders, files and transmissions may be subject to search and examination by system administrators or employees as required to protect users and the integrity of computers systems such as those that are suspected to be involved in unauthorized use or misuse, or that have been corrupted or damaged.

Residential Network Services reserves the right to terminate any in-room or lab computer connection without notice should it be determined that network traffic generated from said connection inhibits or interferes with the use of the network by others.

Student violations of the above policies will be handled through the H&RS Judicial Affairs Office; other violations will be referred, as appropriate, to the Dean of Students, and/or the University Police Department.


ResNet DMCA Policy

Although the exchange of information is one of the basic functions of the Internet, the distribution of copyright material is a violation of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. There are many applications, so called Peer to Peer Applications, which are dedicated to the sharing of files between many anonymous computers on the internet. Although the use of such a program is not inherently illegal, the use of said program for the distribution of copyright materials will certainly constitute a violation of the ResNet Acceptable Use Policy.

Many such applications are largely dedicated to the distribution of copyright material and at times do so without any user interaction. By actively using these programs you are not only potentially violating the ResNet Acceptable Use Policy, but you may also be violating copyright infringement laws which can lead to legal action by the copyright holder.

Are there any risks to using P2P software?

Apart from the possible legal repercussions of distributing copyright material, P2P downloaded files are likely methods to distribute viruses and malware. As your computer will likely be critical to your success as a student, a clean computer is essential.

What are the consequences?

If a Digital Millenium Copyright Act complaint is registered against you, your network access will initially be terminated for a duration of 30 days. This termination is non-negotiable and strictly enforced through a no-tolerance policy. In other words, accidents and "I did not know!" are not accepted as excuses for the violation. If a second occurance ever occurs, network access will be terminated for the duration of your stay in the Residence Halls, you will be referred to the Campus Judicial Officer, and your eligibility for University Housing will be jeopardized.

Additionally, there is always the risk of legal action by the copyright holder in question. In recent years university students in particular have been targeted and successfully prosecuted for distributing copyright material by groups such as the RIAA and the MPAA.

ResNet Network Traffic Limiting Policy

ResNet is connected to the UCSB campus through a direct 20Gbps link. Traffic through this link is not restricted or limited at any time and provides residents with unparalleled access to UCSB resources and the Internet.

ResNet Network Traffic Monitoring Policy

ResNet traffic is managed and monitored by several automated and administrative processes. The purpose of these processes is maintenance and management of the network infrastructure and traffic health. They include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Network health diagnosis and remediation processes
  • Virus and Malicious network activity detection and deterrence
  • Wireless Interference and RF health maintenance

ResNet Support Contact Information

ResNet support can be reached via phone and support form. We will return your call or support form requests within 24 hours. We encourage you to use the support request form request form to submit a support ticket.

ResNet Service Centers

ResNet Service Centers are currently open on a limited basis for drop-in and in-person help. 

  • Manzanita Village, De Anza Resource Center, Room 2006 | Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 4pm-8pm
  • Santa Catalina, Espacio 11 | Friday, Saturday, Sunday  4pm-8pm


Please visit ResNet's FAQ page for more information.